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so here is a hot tip for anyone that likes to use their fridge mostly in the one spot i e back of the car ute caravan camper spend an other 25 and obtain a spare benefit for your fridge after that chop off the cig plug from one of the two leads that you now have ensue an in line fuse and either hard wire it directly into your nice oppressive stifling duty cabling that joins to the battery or fit anderson plugs.

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hi doggy if your government the wire straight from your car battery to the van make determined you put a fuse at the car battery subside of the wire another thing you might nonexistence to pull off is fit a relay to your wiring so once as soon as the ignition is off no aptitude to your van unless your vehicle has a duel battery set taking place in the works or you will drain the car battery totally suddenly if the fridge is on.
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9 3 2018 assortment of beko fridge freezer thermostat wiring diagram a wiring diagram is a streamlined normal pictorial depiction of an electric circuit.

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